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"To Serve Our Valued Customer's Casting Requirements With Quality, Quantity, Intimedelivery and Competative Price"

Grey C.I. (Cast Iron) Casting Toasters

Grey C.I. (Cast Iron) Casting Toasters

We are Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter of: Grey C.I. (Cast Iron) Casting Toasters from Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.

This item is designed to revolutionize your cooking routine, particularly in regard to healthier meal preparation. Its innovative design features an ergonomic, heat-resistant handle that ensures a comfortable grip and added safety during use. Perfect for those looking to reduce their oil and butter intake, it facilitates the creation of crispy, perfectly toasted sandwiches without sacrificing flavor or texture. Easy to use and incredibly convenient, this item allows you to directly hold it over a flame to make toast sandwiches, eliminating the need for additional cooking equipment. Whether you're cooking for yourself or preparing a quick meal for the family, this handy tool streamlines the process, making it a must-have for any kitchen.


Sr. No. Size Weight( Approx.) Dimensions( Approx)
1 2.6mm 4.5 Kg 24 x 27 x 2 cm
Grey C.I. (Cast Iron) Casting Toasters

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